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In 2010, Swedish friends Martha Nabwire and Niki Tsappos were the first ever female hip hop dance duo to beat all their opponents (men included) at the most important international street dance competition, Juste Debout in Paris. Armed with boundless energy and huge amounts of talent, they annihilated the opposition. But in spite of their shared passions, the girls have very different backgrounds, different lives and different personalities. This documentary not only films two successful dancers in action, but also two young adults who are grappling with very different life questions.

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Direction: Tora Mkandawire Mårtens

Script: Tora Mkandawire Mårtens

Production: Neo Publishing AB

Cast: Niki Tsappos, Martha Nabwire

Original Title: Martha & Niki

Original Languages: English, Swedish

Subtitles: English, Serbian

Film Production Country: Sweden


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